NJ finally caught up with Seattle for fall weather---sort of. At 9am today it was 81 degrees. At 3pm it was 62 and pouring rain. Its nice though... because I know in a few days it will be sunny again--maybe not warm, but sunny!
Today had the sea trial on our new boat (read: test drive) and it was SO much fun! We took it (I mean her) out on the Atlantic and went down the Shore passing Bruce Springsteen hotspots Asbury Park and Deal, NJ. Some pics are in the "PHOTO" tab above. Tom has his list of to-do projects to fine tune some of the electronics (for those that know Tom well, you know this is something he is looking forward to doing. I am already planning on what pictures we will hang up and where I can get some great boat accessories for decorating! :-) With the boat and the house--I am not sure which is more exciting at this point. Wait---yes I do. The house!
We cannot WAIT TO MOVE!!!! Tonight we have our "walk-thru" at the new place and its getting to the point where we are counting down by hours as to how much longer we are in the apartment. We close tomorrow at noon and then have all types of appointments set up (carpet, cable, window coverings, movers) that will take us through Friday---and of course beyond.
Saturday is the annual NYC Dachshund Day parade (fact: the most popular dog in NYC based on owners surveyed is the Dachshund). It is doubtful we will go since the movers will have just dropped everything off on Friday, but perhaps I can talk Tom into it. I know he really wants to go. :-) haha.
Diana had a great visit in Seattle. Seeing friends and family and spending time with Zane and Chloe was great. Zane and Steph and I went to the Aquarium on Friday and then I had dinner with my friends Deb, Chris and Laura. On Sat I headed (as did my entire extended family) over to Yakima to surprise my Grandpa on his 80th birthday! It was a fast trip as I caught my flight home Sunday afternoon, but it was so nice to see everyone. Tom was sorry he missed it---but he was ok about not missing the plane ride. :-)
Some photos are posted! :-) The pics above are from the boat. Captain Tom and the Shore.