Go Jets!

Today after we saw Melissa off at the airport we headed to the NY Jets game vs the Bills. The Jets and Giants , although NY by name---play in NJ at a shared stadium (known as Giants stadium---not really fair...) Anyway--- its an old stadium, but the tickets were great and the it was a perfect fall football game: not a cloud in the sky and about 60. The view of the city from the Stadium was amazing.

Tom installed a couple lights in the house this evening while the dogs and I played. Now we are relaxing and I can't imagine wanting to do or be anywhere else than at home. Busy last few days!!


  1. grantis maximus said...

    wow! you're first local home team the hawks suck no the jets do. i think you took the seattle curse with you. no wait never find you couldn't have..... the hawks still suck !