Saturday on the Jersey shore

Today we headed down to the shore. It was beautiful out, about 93 and very humid---but it felt great. I have to admit--whenever someone said something about the Jersey Shore to me in the past all I could think of was a dirty beach with cheap motels lining the shore and lots of big men and women wearing gold chains with their names on them and suits that were far too small for them.
I am happy to report that I was very wrong.

For those of you who have never been here, the beach is lined with beautiful homes that look very New Englandish. The beach is very clean and the ocean perfect. All the time we walked and drove the coastline I didn't see anything that proved my earlier assumptions correct. We are already looking for a place down there to rent next summer for a little while.

On the way down, we decided to stop at one of the millions of Dunkin Donuts for breakfast. It was not the best experience. As I learned in the coffee shop here in Morristown even, I am not in Seattle anymore and my "Starbucks-speak", as Tom calls it, is virtually unrecognizable. I am learning to order much slower and am willing to repeat my self often.

So today at Dunkin Donuts I asked for a MEDIUM (no tall or grande here) drip coffee with room for cream. Sounds normal right?
After repeating even that 3 times and using hand signals, I got about 2 inches of coffee and the rest of the cup was cream. Now at Sbux at home, maybe this would be ok as their coffee is sometimes a bit strong so I always add in extra NON-FAT milk anyway. But this cup was about 80% cream---whole milk like.

Tom ordered the same and he actually had the energy to go back up and get a re-do. He also ordered a toasted bagel (I know, at Dunkin DONUTS? Whatever.) with butter. When he unwrapped it, he had to take a knife to scrape the gobs of butter off of the bagel. It was far more butter than bagel.
I am afraid Tom is tainted for life at Dunkin Donuts now.
Me though---well, my love of donuts will keep me going back, but I think it will be a while before I attempt to order coffee there again.


  1. Unknown said...

    This blog thing is cute!! Keep it up!

  2. beckett william said...

    Dunkin donuts is the best coffee..lance and i order 6lbs. at time on line..we're jealous


  3. Lauren & Caitlin said...

    DD is HUGE out there. In Providence, their arena is called Dunkin Donuts Arena. I'm not kidding.

    Oh, I'm so jealous of you being east. We love it there. But, Chris also loves it here, so here we are.

    Lauren is really "talking" and she keeps cooing about wanting to go to NYC. I keep telling her Uncle Tom & Aunt Diana live there now & we'll go sometime when she's a bit more travel friendly. I'd feel bad for anyone on a plane next to us on that flight.