Hello and welcome to Morristown, NJ
hey everyone! this is the first blog I have ever kept and honestly I feel I am about 14 years too old to keep one... but, since my blog "expert" cousin Ryan pointed out that since Tom and I did move across the country, people may be interested in knowing what we are up to etc, so I figured I'd give it a try.

Tom, Di and the dogs officially moved to Morristown, NJ about a week ago. It was a job transfer with T-Mobile that brought us here. We are both working out of the Parsippany, NJ office about 10 min from home. We were very excited to get to the East Coast (read: we were REALLY excited to get out of the Seattle rainy season that this year has lasted for pretty much 8 months).Morristown is a great township. For those of you familiar with Seattle----its similar to the Green Lake area or an upscale U District. Tons of shops, restaurants, parks. We walk most places which we love.

Since we arrived, we have been exploring this area and starting our house hunt. The dogs, now officially city dogs and the single easiest way ever to make East Coast people smile at strangers, are loving life.

This weekend we are heading to NY! We're taking the train as the station is in Morristown and runs right to Penn Station in Manhattan. I will be sure to attach pics and hopefully this blog gets more interesting for my readers as I go along.