smooth jazz

This post is dedicated to my brother-in-law Fred and sister-in-law Kim who understand Tom's love and obsession with smooth jazz. When Fred and Kim visited in November, during breakfast, Kim pondered out loud how could she feel so tired when she had plenty of sleep... the answer was obvious: smooth jazz was playing on the radio as it always is at our house on weekend mornings. Tom loves it---and I have to say, I like it, at times, like when its raining outside or if I want to fall asleep. We have strict rules that do not allow smooth jazz on car rides or on sunny days.

With that said, tonight we are headed to see Boney James--- a smooth jazz radio station regular--playing live at the Morristown theatre-down the street from where we used to live. Now--to be fair, I really really like Boney and when I saw that he was coming to town I snatched up the tickets immediately for Tom's bday.

So-- we are headed there soon and I am excited! For real, I really am. I can't honestly say that for many smooth jazz regulars.

This weekend Tom is heading to the boat to clean as it should be in the 70's and I am on my way to Seattle to spend some time with friends and family--of course it is supposed to rain there, hell--it could snow. I will pack for all 4 seasons and bring plenty of fleece.

I will miss Tom and the dogs, but will enjoy seeing everyone!

attached is the pic of Boney James. Check him out.